Behind the Bible
The Megiddo Mosaic
The Megiddo Mosaic is the floor of one of the earliest Christian worship halls, now on display at the Museum of the Bible. It includes three important inscriptions, one of which has the phrase “God Jesus Christ,” which is the earliest archaeological evidence of Jesus Christ being called God.
Gesher Media’s Mission
Why the name Gesher and what does it mean? What is Gesher Media’s vision and mission? This post answers those questions.
Egypt and the Bible - Part 1: Introduction
This post is the introduction to a series of posts on Egypt and its relationship to the Bible. The focus of this series of blogs is to illustrate and describe the various ways that archaeology from Egypt can be used to better understand Egypt itself, and to help illustrate or better understand certain Bible passages.
New Article on Massive Canaanite Jars from Ancient Libnah (Tel Burna)
The Tel Burna Archaeological Project is quickly approaching its final season later this summer, but there are still many, many publications in process with the team.