“Behind the Bible,” the social media wing of Gesher Media, shares behind-the-scenes content and insights from the making of our upcoming films, along with exploring the archaeological and historical contexts of biblical narratives.


About Behind the Bible

  • Dr. Chris McKinny

    Chris is an active archaeologist and biblical scholar who excavates in Israel and publishes extensively on the history, geography, and archaeology of Ancient Israel. He is a research fellow, writer, and producer at Gesher Media. His expertise in many areas guides the authenticity and scholarship of Gesher projects. Chris served as the creator of feature film Legends of the Lost Art and the series Quest for the Throne of God. He currently co-produces Behind the Bible.

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Christians, Jews, and Muslims agree on one thing – Jerusalem is the holiest city in the world. Jerusalem is the focal point of a sacred past and a glorious future, but the present city can be extremely complicated to understand. Join Dr. Chris McKinny – archaeologist and biblical scholar – as he guides you through the bustling streets of the Old City to reveal “Why Jerusalem Matters.”

Run time: 11 Min