Gesher Gallery

Stunning, High-Resolution Photos that Bring the Bible to Life

A truly unique resource, Gesher Gallery offers a fully searchable database including Bible references and key words, facilitating your choice of just the right images to illustrate your research, lecture, sermon, or publication.

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Tomb of Irinufer

Relief showing mummification like Joseph (Genesis 50:26).

Temple of Hathor

Relief weighing of heart from the Book of the Dead, like Pharaoh hardening his heart (Exodus 7:14).

Pharaoh Tutankhamun Reconstructed Tomb

Annex of King Tut’s tomb with furniture and grave goods (Hebrews 11:26).

An Expanding Collection of Images from a Wide Variety of Museums and Locations

This collection boasts a wide array of high-quality, original photographs on Bible background from less-traveled or inaccessible sites and museums, as well as important photographs from more well-known sites and museums.

Herodian Temple Architectural Fragment

Herod’s Temple Mount was decorated with many ornate stones (Luke 21:5).

Fragment of a Philistine Drinking Vessel

Philistine wealthy people would have possessed these types of prestige items (Judges 16:25).

Graffiti of Ship with Inscription: “Lord we came”

Image of a boat in the tunnel next to Armenian St. Helena Chapel inside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Dated 2nd – 4th century AD (Luke 8:24).


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